Sunday 24 May 2009

Good Luck Foxes!

Leicestershire County Cricket Club Twenty20 2009

The team at Voice Brand Design are delighted to have been asked to design this years Twenty20 advertising campaign and would like to wish the boys lots of luck for the first game on Bank Holiday Monday (25th May at Headingley away).

The cricket team and all those involved behind the scenes work tirelessly to ensure they are the best they can be and we will be supporting their efforts in person at home games.

For those of you looking for great day out with friends and family, get yourselves along to Grace Road and soak up the atmosphere……

Thursday 28th May v Derbyshire
Sunday 31st May v Lancashire
Wednesday 3rd June v Notts
Friday 26th June v Yorkshire
Sunday 28th June v Durham

Sunday 10 May 2009

A leap of faith

At Voice Brand Design we know the opportunities an economic downturn brings to businesses and entrepreneurs who embrace their marketing to stay ahead of the competition, and we are committed to supporting each and every one of them.

Our clients tell us time and again how our experience, knowledge and creative ability delivers what they expect from a ‘big agency’ but our hunger, personal focus and value for money, delivers above and beyond their expectation.

Knowing the opportunities out there is one thing but for some it can be a little daunting, so it was great to read ‘A leap of faith’ Design Week (7th May) in support of starting a business in an economic downturn;

Some say launching a start-up in a downturn is madness, others see it as the perfect time to make the leap. Suzanne Hinchliffe offers budding consultancy chiefs a guide on what to do, and asks three brave souls who’ve done it for advice.

Setting up a business can be a daunting task, no matter what expertise you have or what the state of the economic climate is. You could be a budding creative, recently graduated and struggling to find that first step on the career ladder, a designer with a few years under your belt but labelled with the redundancy stamp, or on top of your game and finally taking the plunge to go solo. A fledgling business is a challenge, scary and hard work, but it can be the most rewarding thing you do if it works.

Here are some handy tips from those who have done it and advice and resources from leading experts to give you the kick-start you need to make it a success.

A good idea

Is the middle of a recession really a good time to set up a business? There is always going to be an element of risk when starting your own creative business. However, if you're starting a smaller business there is a tendency to be frugal in a recession. With limited capital, close attention to detail is important, so research the creative market to see where people are cutting back and what is doing well.

'We're seeing lots of start-ups during this recession, as people become fed up working for large consultancies making impersonal corporate decisions,' says Mandy Merron, partner at Kingston Smith W1. 'Historically, there are always waves of start-ups and those who have set up at the beginning of a recession are the larger consultancies still around today.'

'It is difficult to bend an existing business, so it is best to start from scratch,' advises Merron, 'Working with your own clients, making it work when things are tough tends to drive growth.'


London accountancy firm Kingston Smith W1 specialises in the creative industries. It has developed a guide called Starting a Business in the Creative Industries. Two main points to consider: have a good idea, and research and understand your market.


'Start your marketing thinking before you start your business,' says Shan Preddy, a partner at Preddy & Co, which specialises in business management. It is important to be clear about what you're offering and who you are offering it to. Target your market - either offer a general product or service to a wide audience or a more focused product or service to a niche market.

Whichever option you take, think about
• Who will buy your services?
• Location - keep you clients close or easily accessible
• Communication style - how do your clients think/talk?
• Networking - where can you meet new clients?
• Get in touch - write letters, let people know what you are doing

If you are on a low or no budget, 'Use your brains, be creative. That's your job,' says Preddy. Have a good website using the same URL as your business name. Invest in business cards and do everything else digitally. Never give work out for free or cheaply, as clients will think that it is standard practice.Resource: How to Market Design Consultancy Services: Finding, Winning, Keeping and Developing Clients, by Shan Preddy (Gower, 2004).


Advice is crucial before you take on property. According to commercial property specialist and workplace adviser Haywards managing partner Nick Cook, 'Taking on a traditional property lease is the biggest commitment you will sign and the most difficult to get out of.' Be clear about why you want to take on property - it is a business, after all, and not a dream location. Think about what sort or equipment you need, how many staff you have, who your clients are and if they are local, national or global.

Property options

• Sole traders - start from your bedroom, but use clients' offices if you need technical equipment• Creative hubs - if working from your bedroom doesn't appeal, working at an address with a reputation for creativity could be an option (see feature on creative hubs, DW 23 April)

• Fewer than ten people, but set to grow further? - start by going to a serviced office operator, such as MWB or Regus. Take a licence for three months and renew accordingly

• More than ten people and set to grow? - the overall cost of going for a more traditional office will save you money. Try speaking to a commercial property surveyor; the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors has listings of approved surveyors. Research and ring around commercial property agencies to find out about rates, rents and service charges GRADE A (per ft2)GRADE A (per m2)GRADE B (per ft2)GRADE B (per m2)

Finding the funds

One of the toughest challenges you will face when setting up a business is securing funding. In the current economic climate, it is probably the most inappropriate time to borrow money. Kevin Duncan, owner of Expert Advice for Starting and Selling Businesses, says, 'If you don't need to borrow money, then don't.'

The 'One page business plan' from Duncan's book Start is a good way to figure out how much money you need. 'Always start with the amount you want to earn and then work backwards,' he explains. Establish the type of consultancy you are, whether you're running it as a lifestyle concern with little profit and little tax, or as a company you eventually plan to sell.

See how much money the founding team can raise and what proportion of the business they want. Consider if you want external funders to become shareholders. Will you need a bank loan? Remember banks will not put more into a business than the management has done.

Research the Web for Government bodies, business links and trade support to see if they offer grants. The Design Business Association and Nesta, which invests in early-stage companies, may be able to help, depending on your circumstances. National Business Angel Network also offers business funding and advice.


Start: How To Get Your Business Underway,by Kevin Duncan (Capstone, 2008)
National Business Angels Network


You’ve been there and done it, so what advice would you give to those who are thinking of setting up their own creative consultancy?

When Someone started, we (the partners) did all our own billing, invoicing and money chasing as well as the design. This became a real hardship, especially when it came to completing VAT returns and corporation tax - we are designers, after all. We managed this for about a year or so before we wanted to kill each other. What really helped was having a freelance accountant come in once a week and do all that for us - it represents a hefty cost to the business, but it was a godsend. Now, we have a hardman when it comes to chasing payment (leaving our client relationships intact), as well as someone who can map out and manage our huge profitability and forecasting in simple diagrams. Now we don't go and spend it all at the Wolseley before the taxman can get it. The other tip I have is to not get caught up in the 'big project' you are working on - and have billed for - without looking out for new work at the same time. This helps stop those ugly cashflow issues.
David Law, Founder, SomeoneYear set up: 2005

Make the most of your network of independents to create custom teams. As a young company in an economic downturn this gives us a real advantage over some of our larger, more established competitors. We can quickly pull together the right team of experienced, skilled and passionate people. We don't have the overheads of a traditional consultancy, we don't have hangers on and we don't have to train junior staff, so our clients get a fantastic team and great value for money. It means that we can compete with the big boys and win important and interesting projects.
Chris Allen, Partner, Powell AllenYear set up: 2008

Hmmm, the 'big leap'. When to take it, should you take it, who to take it with and what about a name? So, timing of departure, doing the 'f*** you, I'm off' and immediately trying to pinch clients is not the greatest approach. Have a respectful relationship with those you leave, it pays off in the future through support, recommendations and even the odd client introduction. Think about the leap, but don't over-think it. Do a business plan, talk to potential contacts, put a date in the diary - just do it. In partnership? It's good to have different skills, but make sure you sign a partnership agreement - it's difficult, like asking for a pre-nuptial deal in the 'no, I love you more' part of the relationship, but stick it in a drawer, out of the way. Get a good accountant, one who is polite, timely and proactive - steer away from self-styled 'business adviser' types, because they're a waste of time and money. Then? Go out there, do what you do best, in the way you want to do it - you won't regret it.
Dana Robertson, Founder, NeonYear set up: 2007

Copyright, contracts, insurance

Registering a product, a brand name or invention under a trademark or patent is paramount. Browne Jacobson Intellectual Property partner Mark Daniel and associate Sara McNell explain, 'When starting up a company or brand the first thing you should do is register for your own protection.'

• Commercial searching - on a low budget, do a free search on Google to see what competitors are out there before launching a brand

• Free searches - there are a number of websites which allow you to do this. On the UK Intellectual Property Office site you can see what brands have already registered• The next step is to register the name of your company or brand. 'Be distinctive,' McNell advises. 'Don't always go for an obvious name and steer away from names associated with the product.' If the business is online, check out bodies that govern domain names, such as Nominet for domains and Icann for .com domains

• Once the business is up and running, get into place terms and conditions between you and your suppliers. If you are dealing with third parties, understand your position, what the liabilities are, and then get the contract signed. Invest in product liability insurance


UK Intellectual Property Office
Office for Harmonisation for the Internal Market
Companies House
European Patent Office


Staffing - you need to consider what skills and resources you need for the business. If people are willing to take a risk and join you, take legal advice on barriers you need to overcome. Look at what insurance, IT equipment, accounts and payroll you will need. Taxation can appear a bit of a headache, so seek specialist advice. Make sure you understand early on what taxes the business is liable for. This will depend on its size and whether it is profitable.

There are always other options if the thought of setting up a business fills you with dread. Freelancing opportunities will be in demand during the recession as companies downsize their staff ratios.If you choose to set up a business it will be down to you to make it a success. Be ambitious and seek help when you need it - without an element of risk there would be no rewards.

Saturday 2 May 2009

Investing in design pays huge dividends to overcome the economic downturn....

MORE than half (54 per cent) of UK businesses are planning to use design to help them survive the economic downturn, according to new research published by the Design Council.

Its National Survey of Firms 2008 reveals that, far from retreating to safety and resorting to cutting costs, increasing numbers of firms are using design as a powerful tool to help combat the toughest economic conditions in decades.

The survey also showed that the number of firms who regarded design as integral to their operations had doubled in the past three years, from 15 to 30 per cent.

The Design Council research, which covered 1,500 UK firms of all sizes and across all sectors, showed that design is fast rising up the business agenda. Over half (53 per cent) of the businesses surveyed said that design has become more critical in helping the firm achieve its business objectives over the past three years; and the same number agreed that design is integral to the whole country’s future economic performance.

In response, the Design Council has created a new online resource to help businesses discover how design can help them in a downturn. It includes a free practical guide to finding and working with a designer, and case studies covering a host of small and large companies from different sectors who have bucked the recessionary trend through the strategic use of design.

Go to:

David Kester Design Council Chief Executive said:
“Recession is no time to be battening down the hatches. It’s the moment when design becomes absolutely critical to survival, growth and success – and it’s great to see that there’s a growing recognition of this within the business community.”

One such company is Castle Rock Brewery, which decided to cast off its homespun image with a modest £3,000 investment in redesigning its brand in a bid to compete in the competitive real ales market.

This rapidly helped secure more distribution and sales contracts, so that a year down the line, demand is outstripping supply, sales volume has increased by 20% and barrel sales growth has doubled.Castle Rock Brewery Chairman Chris Holmes said: “A small investment in design has paid huge dividends for us. We now have a clearer focus and a brand that reflects the care and attention that has gone into our award-winning beers. I no longer regard design as a luxury, but as a competitive necessity.”

The Design Council website also illustrates how design has previously been used by companies as a potent weapon to not just survive, but to thrive in the face of both sector-specific and general recessions.

It includes examples from the 1970s and the 1980s as well as more recent success stories such a Net-a-Porter, the online fashion store which was launched during 2000 but bucked the dot com crash by extensively using design to build what is now a multi-million pound business.

Source: Design Council 2009